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Đồ ăn nhanh ẩm thực sapa

Đồ Ăn Nhanh Ẩm Thực Sapa
Đồ Ăn Nhanh Ẩm Thực Sapa



French fried with garlic and butter(Khoai tây chiên bơ tỏi)                          60.000

French fried  (Khoai tây chiên)                                                                        55.000

Garlic bread (Bánh mì bơ)                                                                               50.000

                               Bruchetta Toscana (Tomato, Black olives, Garlic, Oregano )                     50.000                                  Cashewnut fried                                                                                           70.000


(Served with bread)

 Tomato soup(Tomato, Fresh cream)                                                            40.000

   Cau May soup(Potatoes, Fresh cream, Butter)                                          40.000

   Vegetable soup(Carots, Potatoes, Cabbage, Peas, Cauliflower)             40.000

    Pumpkin soup( Pumpkin, Pepper, Fresh cream, Butter)                         40.000

     Chicken and mushroom soup(Chicken, mushroom, onion)                    50.000

      Corn mushroom soup(Corn, mushroom, onion)                                      50.000

    Sa Pa soup(Potatoes, Bacon, pepper, fresh cream, butter)                      55.000

    Shrimp soup(Shrimp, fresh cream, butter)                                                 55.000

         SALAD ( Served with bread)



  Tomato Mozzarella(Tomatoes, Mozzarela chesse, Black olives, Pepper)         60.000 

  Russian Salad(Potatoes, Carots, Peas, Ham, Mayonaise sauce)                60.000

Mixed Salad(Cabbage, Onion, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Sauce)         55.000

Nicoise Salad(Tomatoes, Cucumber, Lettuce, Black olives, Tuna fish)        70.00

  Chicken salad (Chicken, Peanut, Mixed salad)                                             70.000

   Shrimps Cocktail(Shrimps, Carots, Cabbage, Sauce)                                 75.000


(Served with french fried Đồ ăn nhanh ẩm thực sapa)

           Bacon sandwich(Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Mayonaise sauce)  70.000 

                Steak Sandwich(Steak, Melted cheese, Sauteed onion, Mayonaise sauce)     75.000         

     Chicken Sandwich(Chicken, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Mayonaise sauce)      70.000

                            Ham Cheese sandwich(Ham,Cheese,Tomatoes,Cucumber,Lettuce,Onion,Mayonaise sauce)75.000                                                   

Tuna Sandwich                                                                                     70.000

Tuna fish, Green pepper, Cabbage, Cucumber, Tomatose, Mayonaise sauce

Sandwich cá Thu

Vegetarian Sandwich                                                                            65.000

Green pepper, Cabbage, Cucumber, Tomatose, Carots, Mayonaise sauce 


(Served with French Fried)

        Chicken burger                                                                                    70.000

        Chicken, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Mayonaise sauce

        Beef Burger                                                                                         80.000

         Beef , Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Mayonaise sauce

       Ham Burger                                                                                         75.000

Ham , Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Mayonaise sauce

Aussi Burger                                                                                        80.000

         Beef, Bacon, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Mayonaise sauce

       Special Burger                                                                                      85.000

         Beef, Bacon, Egg, Cheese, Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Mayonaise sauce


Spaghetti / Tagliatelle / Penne

Bolognese                                                                                             100.000

         Pasta, tomato, minced meat sauce

         Carbonara                                                                                            100.000

         Pasta, Bacon, fresh cream, egg

        Boscaiola                                                                                              100.000

         Pasta, Ham, Mushroom, fresh cream sauce

         Diavola                                                                                                 95.000

         Pasta,Bacon, Tomato, mushroom, chili

        Arrabiata                                                                                             80.000

         Pasta, tomato, garlic, chili,onion

         Tono                                                                                                     95.000

         Pasta,tomato, Tuna fish, garlic

      Alla Casa                                                                                             115.000

         Pasta, shrimps, ham, fresh cream sauce

       Estate                                                                                                   95.000

         Pasta, tomato, caper, olives

       Amatriciana                                                                                         100.000

         Pasta, Bacon, tomato, onion

         Aglioolio                                                                                               80.000

         Pasta, garlic, chili, olive oil

Marinara                                                                                              105.000

         Pasta, seafood, tomato, garlic

         Garatin                                                                                                115.000

         Pasta, mushroom, onion, Mozzarella cheese, fresh cream

        Anchovies                                                                                            115.000

         Pasta, Anchovy fish, olives, caper, garlic

         Gorgonzola                                                                                           130.000

         Pasta, 4 different Italian cheese, cream

         Fresh Bakes Lasagne                                                                           130.000

        Tartiflette Sapa                                                                                    120.000

         Potatoes, Bacon, onion, cheese, Red wine

         agliatelle con Crema                                                                          120.000

         Tagliatelle, Beef, Mushroom, cheese, sapa wine toed by pizza crust


Nhà Hàng Ẩm thực Sapa (Sapacuisine).

Địa Chỉ: Số 70 phố Fansipan, Thị trấn Sapa.

Nhà Hàng Cầu Mây Sapa (Cau May Restaurant ).

Địa Chỉ: Số 10, Đường Hoàng Diệu, Thị trấn Sa Pa.

Nhà Hàng Bếp Sapa (Sapa Kitchen Restaurant.

Địa chỉ: Ý Linh Hồ Lao Chải Thị trấn Sapa.


Hãy Ðặt ăn trước và gọi cho chúng tôi.

Hotline: 0919 524 535  (Mrs. Thiết)

ĐT: 02143 873 468; Fax: 02143 873 466




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